
Random Password Generator built using Python 3 and FastAPI for web integration.

Primary LanguagePython

Password Manager 🗃

Stars Forks

Lint & Test Deploy to Cloud Run Issues License

What is this all about? 💬

This is a small scale OSS project for newbs like me to practice with and make something that might look cool on a resume 📝.

What you need to know:

  • This app is written in Python 3.8.

  • Main purpose of this program [currently] is to act as a web integrated and mobile, random password generator. (Just for fun why not? 🙈) An example can be found on my [website]

  • I've chosen to use FastApi as our API framework for the backend python functionality. but at some point Id like to make a GraphQl version too. (Maybe someone can commit? 👥)

  • Important 💥 Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines before pushing to any branches on this repo.


  • see FastApi for in depth api details.
  • Ensure you have a local virtual environment setup and pip install requirements.
  • navigate to the src folder and run the following command:
    • uvicorn main:app --reload
  • This will start a locally hosted server at
  • you can then make requests to the api by specifying a url with parameters if need be.
  • To see what requests can be made navigate to the /docs page where you will be greeted with the beautiful swaggerUI.
