This is a backup repository for my projects at 42 that I eventually made public to help my colleagues.
Even though nobody is going to stop you from checking other people's codes, try not to rely on it. You won't learn from copying and pasting.
With that said, if you're going to check my code anyway, the projects that say "Currently doing" are NOT FINISHED, so expect them to have errors or not to run at all, as, like I wrote earlier, the repository was once private and was only a backup.
Currently not on the cursus anymore, but I'll keep the repository public for anyone who might need it. I can't stress enough that you should only check the code for inspiration or to understand new concepts. I really don't recomend copying code snipets or doing something exactly the same just because it worked for me.
Rank 00
libft - Bonus included - 125%
Rank 01
get_next_line - 100%
ft_printf - 100%
born2beroot - 100%
Rank 02
push_swap - 86%
minitalk - Unicode support - 105%
so_long - 100%
Rank 03
Philosophers - Unfinished
Included libft to use in projects