
A simple text editor built with Qt framework for basic file editing tasks


Notepad is a simple text editor application built using the Qt framework. It provides basic functionality for creating, opening, saving, and editing text files. Screenshot (470)


  • Create new files
  • Open existing files
  • Save files
  • Save files with a different name (Save As)
  • Cut, copy, and paste text
  • Undo and redo text modifications
  • About dialog with application information

Running the Application

The Notepad application is already built, and the executable file is included in the project folder. Follow these steps to run the Notepad application:

  1. Navigate to the project folder where you cloned the repository.
  2. Locate the executable file named notepad.exe.
  3. Double-click on the notepad.exe file to launch the Notepad application.
  4. The Notepad window will appear on the screen, providing the user interface with a text editing area and menu options.
  5. Use the menu options or keyboard shortcuts to perform various actions, such as creating a new file, opening an existing file, saving files, and performing text editing operations like cut, copy, paste, undo, and redo.


To ensure compatibility and successful execution on macOS and Linux, you may need to:

  • Install the necessary dependencies: Qt framework, Qt Creator (IDE), and any additional libraries or packages required by the calculator application.
  • Modify the project configuration: Make any required adjustments to the project settings, such as paths, compiler options, or environment variables, to match the target platform (macOS or Linux).
  • Build the application: Use the appropriate build tools and commands to compile the code and generate the executable file for the target platform.
  • Test the application: Run the compiled executable on macOS or Linux to verify its functionality and ensure it performs as expected.