
Tabulate Flax modules that use distrax Distributions

Primary LanguagePython

Distrax Tabulate

Allows to tabulate Flax modules that use distrax Distributions


pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/Raffaelbdl/distrax_flax


import distrax as dx
import flax.linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

#### Import the module and run the function ####
from dx_tabulate import add_distrax_representers


class Policy(nn.Module):
    def __call__(self, x):
        logits = nn.Dense(10)(x)
        return dx.Categorical(logits)

tabulate_fn = nn.tabulate(
    Policy(), jax.random.key(0), compute_flops=True, compute_vjp_flops=True
print(tabulate_fn(jnp.ones((1, 15))))
                                         Policy Summary                                          
┃ path    ┃ module ┃ inputs        ┃ outputs       ┃ flops ┃ vjp_flops ┃ params                 ┃
│         │ Policy │ float32[1,15] │ Categorical   │ 348   │ 1148      │                        │
│ Dense_0 │ Dense  │ float32[1,15] │ float32[1,10] │ 310   │ 1070      │ bias: float32[10]      │
│         │        │               │               │       │           │ kernel: float32[15,10] │
│         │        │               │               │       │           │                        │
│         │        │               │               │       │           │ 160 (640 B)            │
│         │        │               │               │       │     Total │ 160 (640 B)            │
                                  Total Parameters: 160 (640 B)                          

How it works


Flax tabulate uses yaml to render its table.

The add_distrax_representers function first finds all subclasses of distrax.Distribution in the inheritance graph. Then it proceeds to add a yaml representer for all of them, using the name property.