
An open-source, centralized HTTPS botnet

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Orion Server

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OrionServer is the core server of a centralized and versatile remote administration tool, making use of the Tor network to communicate with its clients.


  • Encrypted/Torified connection
  • Easy to read XML database
  • Colorful and detailed logging
  • Static resources for binary building
  • Basic interactive commands



Getting started

This section covers the recommended software and dependencies needed to compile and debug the project. The default credentials are admin - admin.


Dev environment:

  • Any code editor that supports JavaScript
  • node.js


  • node.js packages
    • body-parser v1.19.0 for parsing web requests
    • chalk v3.0.0 for colorful output
    • express v4.17.1 for the core of the webserver
    • express-fileupload v1.1.6 for accepting files
    • express-session v1.17.0 for basic session management
    • xml2js v0.4.22 for parsing/editing the database
  • OrionBot Binary
  • Nanominer Release


Clone the repository using

git clone https://github.com/Raffy27/OrionServer

Install the required modules

cd OrionServer
npm install


├── Certificate
│   ├── certificate.crt
│   └── private.key
├── Database
│   ├── Blacklist.xml
│   ├── Bots.xml
│   └── Users.xml
├── Files
│   ├── build.bin
│   ├── lazagne.exe
│   └── miner.zip
├── Hosting
│   ├── Config
│   │   ├── authorized_clients
│   │   ├── hostname
│   │   ├── hs_ed25519_public_key
│   │   ├── hs_ed25519_secret_key
│   │   └── torrc.config
│   └── Tor
│       └── tor.exe
├── app.js
├── bots.js
├── database.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── Start.bat
└── users.js


For active releases and pre-compiled binaries, see Releases.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. For the dependencies, all rights belong to their respective owners. These should be used according to their respective licenses.