Bytebux Backend

This project is the backend part of the Bytebux application.

Frontend part of this project: Bytebux-Task

Complete project video -> Youtube

Short Overview about API Endpoints used in this project

GET /tasks:

Retrieves a list of all tasks. This endpoint is used to fetch and display all tasks currently stored in the database.

GET /tasks/:id:

Retrieves a specific task by its unique ID. Allows fetching details of a particular task identified by its ID. Useful for displaying task details or editing specific tasks.

POST /tasks:

Creates a new task. Used when adding a new task to the database. The request body typically contains details such as title, description, and completion status of the new task.

PUT /tasks/:id:

Updates an existing task identified by its ID. Enables modifying existing task details. The request body includes updated information for the specified task ID, such as changes to the title, description, or completion status.

DELETE /tasks/:id:

Deletes a task by its ID. Removes a specific task from the database based on its unique ID. This endpoint is used when a user wants to delete a task permanently.

How to Run the Backend

Follow the steps below to set up and run the backend part of this project:

  1. Clone the Repository

    Clone this project using the following command:

    git clone
  2. **Navigate to the Project Directory

    Change to the project directory:

    cd bytebux-backend
  3. **Install Dependencies

    Install the required dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  4. **Create a MongoDB URI

    Create a MongoDB URI and add your username and password to a .env file in the project root directory. Your .env file should look like this:

  5. **Run the Development Server

    Start the development server using nodemon:

    nodemon index.js