
JSON API to compute mismatch of pressure timeseries with ERA-5 on Google Earth Engine.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Test Server


GeoPressureAPI is a JSON API that makes it easy to compute the mismatch of a geolocator pressure timeserie with the atmospheric pressure from ERA5-LAND reanalysis data.

This docs describe how to use the GeoPressure API. We hope you enjoy these docs, and please don't hesitate to file an issue if you see anything missing.

Pressure map

POST /glp.mgravey.com/GeoPressure/v2/map/


With this end-point, you will be able to compute the maps of pressure mismatch from a geolocator pressure timeseries.

The input parameters are the labeled pressure timeseries (time, pressure, label) and the grid (West, South, East, North, scale). See below for details.

We return a geotiff map with one or two layers.

  1. mse: The first layer is the mismatch between the input pressure timeseries and the reanalysis one at each location. This is computed with a mean square error (MSE) where the mean error is removed. The mean error is removed because we assume no specific altitude of the geolocator, thus allowing an altitudinal shift of the pressure timeseries.
  2. mask: (optional) The second layer quantifies how often the pressure timeseries corresponds to altitude falling within the min and max ground elevation found in each pixel of the map. For instance, a pixel with a value of 0.9 indicates that for 90% of the timeseries, the bird was found on an elevation which exists in the range of altitude found in that pixel. The altitude value of the geolocator pressure timeseries is computed with the barometric formula accounting for the temporal variation of pressure (surface-pressure) and temperature (2m-temperature) based on ERA5 data. The min and max ground elevation of each pixel is computed from SRTM-90. In addition, you can use the margin parameter to account for possible errors in pressure and vertical movement of the bird. It define a range of pressure error acceptable where the bird is still considered to be on the ground. You can not return this layer using the includeMask paramaters.

In order to save computational time, you can use the maskThreshold parameter which will filter the mask layer and only keep pixel with a mask value above the threashold for the rest of the computation. This means that the mse layer is only computed for these pixels.

To get these maps, you first need to call the API which will return a list of urls (one for each unique label). Then, using these urls, you can download the geotiff of the output map. Note that the actual calculation is only performed when you request the map (second step), making this step much longer.

The time range available to query is the same as ERA5-Land data, which is from 1981 to three months from real-time. More information can be found at the Copernicus Climate Data Store and the the corresponding Google Earth Engine dataset.

The time resolution of the ERA5-Land is 1 hours. The API will compute the match for any timestamp provided in the request by using the closest 1 hours. To avoid redundant information, downscale the timeseries to 1 hour before the request.


Parameter Type Description
W number Required. West coordinate. -180° to 180°.
S number Required. South coordinate. 0° to 90°.
E number Required. East coordinate. -180° to 180°.
N number Required. North coordinate. 0° to 90°.
scale number default: 10. Number of pixels per latitude, longitude. 10 for a resolution of 0.1° (~10) and 4 for a resolution of 0.25° (~30km). To avoid interpolating the ERA5 data, scale should be smaller than 10. Read more about scale on Google earth Engine documention..
pressure array of number Required. Atmospheric pressure to match in Pascal.
time array of number Required. UNIX time of the pressure data (i.e., number of second since 1-janv-1970.
label array of string/number Required. Define the grouping of the pressure data. All pressure with the same label will be match together
maxSample number default: 250. The computation of the mismatch is only performed on maxSample datapoints of pressure to reduce computational time. The samples are randomly (uniformly) selected on the timeseries.
margin number default: 30. The margin is used in the threshold map to accept some measurement error. unit in meter. (1hPa~10m)
includeMask boolean default: true. Specify if the mask variable should be included in the download. If set to false, only the MSE band will be downloaded.
maskThreshold float default: 0. A value above 0 will filter the map to only compute the MSE at pixel where the proportion of pressure datapoint are falling at ground level. Typically a value of 0.9 can considerably reduce the computational time by only considering pixel above this threashold.


See example for response structure.

Parameter Type Description
status success or error
taskId number Task ID. Use this ID for communication if you have any problem.
labels array of string/number List of unique labels. Same order than urls.
urls array of string List of the mismatch urls.
resolution number resolution in degree. Same resolution for latitude and longitude.
size array of number Number of pixel of the map.
bbox Object Bounding box requested.
includeMask boolean The boolean flag indicating if the mask variable was included.
maskThreshold float The threshold value used to generate the mask.
errorMesage string In case status==error, errorMessage provides the reason for the error
advice string In case status==error, advice provides guidance on how to solve the problem

URL content

Each url will with return a geotiff file with one or two bands/layers: mse and optionally the mask. Pixels not covered by the data (i.e., water) are indecated with a value of -2, while pixels with a mse below maskThreashold are indicated with a -1 in the mse.

API Endpoint

POST /glp.mgravey.com/GeoPressure/v2/map/

Request (POST with JSON body)

    "W": -18,
    "S": 4,
    "E": 16,
    "N": 51,
    "time": [1572075000,1572076800,1572078600],
    "pressure": [97766,97800,97833],
    "label": [1,1,1]


  "status" : success,
  "task_id" : 1639259414,
  "data"    : {
    "labels": [1],
    "urls": ['https://earthengine.googleapis.com/v1alpha/projects/earthengine-legacy/thumbnails/d0f8335cac1ccb4bb27da95ecf7d5718-65cde402d14f88a8a7fcf8256c8793e5:getPixels'],
    "resolution": 0.25,
    "size": [136 188],
    "bbox": {w:-18, S:4, E:16, N:51},
    "time2GetUrls": 11.61416506767273,
    "includeMask": true,
    "maskThreshold": 0.9,

Pressure timeseries

POST /glp.mgravey.com/GeoPressure/v2/timeseries/


The second endpoint allows you to return the pressure timeseries at one specific location. This can be useful to check visually the match of the geolocator pressure with the ERA5 pressure at a specific location (e.g., most likely position according to the response of the endpoint map).

If you supply the pressure (and time) of the geolocator, it will additionally return the altitude of the geolocator (above sea level).

The timeseries of the response will be the same as time if supply, otherwise, it will return on an hourly basis between startTime and endTime.

When requesting a position on water, it will move the position to the shortest point on land. The response will include distInter >0 and the exact coordinates used in the computation.


Parameter Type Description
lon number Required. longitude coordinate. -180° to 180°.
lat number Required. latitude coordinate. 0° to 90°.
pressure array of number geolocator pressure.
time array of number Required if pressure. UNIX time of the pressure data (i.e., number of second since 1-janv-1970.
startTime number Required if NOT pressure. UNIX time of start (i.e., number of second since 1-janv-1970.
endTime number Required if NOT pressure. UNIX time of end (i.e., number of second since 1-janv-1970.


See example for response structure.

Parameter Type Description
status success or error
taskId number Task ID. Use this ID for communication if you have any problem.
url string urls of the response timeseries
distInter number Distance interpolated from the requested coordinate to the one used. meters.
lon number longitude coordinate used (different than requested if over water).
lat number latitude coordinate used (different than requested if over water).

URL content

The url will with return a csv the following columns:

time pressure (altitude)
... ... ...


API Endpoint

POST /glp.mgravey.com:24853/GeoPressure/v2/timeseries/

Request (POST with JSON body)

    "lon": 6,
    "lat": 46,
    "startTime": 1497916800,
    "endTime": 1500667800


  "status" : success,
  "task_id" : 1639259414,
  "data"    : {
    urls: ['https://earthengine.googleapis.com/v1alpha/projects/earthengine-legacy/thumbnails/d0f8335cac1ccb4bb27da95ecf7d5718-65cde402d14f88a8a7fcf8256c8793e5:getPixels'],
    format: 'csv'

Ground elevation along a path

POST /glp.mgravey.com/GeoPressure/v2/elevationPath/


This entry point returns the ground elevation from SRTM (SRTM90_V4) along a polyline


Parameter Type Description
lon array of number Required. longitude coordinate. -180° to 180°.
lat array of number Required. latitude coordinate. 0° to 90°.
scale number Required. Number of pixels per latitude, longitude. 10 for a resolution of 0.1° (~10) and 4 for a resolution of 0.25° (~30km). Read more about scale on Google earth Engine documention..
samplingScale number Required. Number of pixels per latitude, longitude. 10 for a resolution of 0.1° (~10) and 4 for a resolution of 0.25° (~30km). To avoid interpolating the ERA5 data, scale should be smaller than 10. Read more about scale on Google earth Engine documention..
percentile array of number Required Between 0 and 100.


API Endpoint

POST /glp.mgravey.com:24853/GeoPressure/v2/timeseries/

Request (POST with JSON body)

    "lon": [8.47, 9.41, 9.01, -0.91, 14.24, 27.30, 34.39, 30.00],
    "lat": [48.89, 44.78, 40.07, 37.68, 17.33, 7.32, 8.09, -23.13],
    "scale": 10
    "smaplingScale": 1


  "status" : "success",
  "task_id" : 1639259414,
  "data"    : {
    "percentileData": {
      "10": [0, 0, 0, 0, 305, 357, 289, 426, 399, 402, 209, 119, 0, 0],
      "50": [237, 237, 237, 587, 552, 551, 363, 569, 553, 981, 1137, 545, 188, 188],
      "90": [880, 880, 880, 1260, 1138, 859, 480, 900, 756, 1788, 1768, 1311, 1002, 1002],
      "distance": [0, 462486, 986718, 1886940, 2997967.759714002, 4107611.1789356107, 4585219, 5696169.77351964, 6384645, 7171428, 8277490.328782117, 9383674.502677774, 10490621.943273364, 10657884],
      "lat": [44.927, 44.927, 44.927, 34.943, 24.959, 24.959, 14.976, 14.976, 4.992, 4.992, -4.992, -14.976, -24.959, -24.959],
      "lon": [4.992, 4.992, 4.992, -4.992, 4.992, 14.976, 14.976, 24.959, 24.959, 34.943, 34.943, 34.943, 34.943, 34.943],
      "stapId": [0, 1, 2, 3, 3.4117541918601204, 3.8229953380328396, 4, 4.61739187333294, 5, 6, 6.317245494740039, 6.634525937613036, 6.952025303882606, 7]
    "scale": 1111390.0,
    "samplingScale": 1111390.0,
    "percentile": [10, 50, 90]


To install the server:

  1. Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/Rafnuss/GeoPressureAPI
  1. Add the json file with the key in the repository.
  2. Update bootServer.sh with the appropriate service address.
  3. Create a logs folder
  4. Add a route to the server if needed
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 80
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 443
  1. Run the server
bash bootServer.sh