Dataset Details

The dataset was collected from a sleep center named Haaglanden Medisch Centrum (HMC, The Netherlands). The initial data files are combined with different types of signals. We selected EEG and F4 from the frontal lobe and C4 from the central lobe, and O2 from the occipital lobe. The frontal lobe control the voluntary movements of the body. The thoughts and Analytical activities are held from the central lobe. Occipital Lob is responsible for the eyesight. To characterize the sleep stages of a cerebral condition, the EEG is divided into five frequency subbands: delta wave (0Hz–4Hz), theta wave (4Hz–8Hz), alpha wave (8Hz–12Hz), beta wave (12Hz–30Hz), and gamma waves (30 Hz). Our dataset contains 154 sleep recordings with 75 features. The dataset has five classifications: Wake, N1, N2, N3, REM. In the preprocessing step, all wake classified rows were removed, and N1, N2, N3 classes were merged into a single NREM class