
Repository of raftlib benchmarks

Primary LanguageC++


  • Most of the benchmarks are derived from other sources, where this is so we've listed them as such to give credit to the original source.


  • parallel-bzip

    • Original open source code is contained within this folder along with respective license
    • RaftLib version of bzip compress is also included
    • Datasets:
      • large - (1<<30)
      • medium - (1 << 20)
      • small - (1 << 10)
  • streamcluster - part of the PARSEC benchmark suite, original papers and information is available here

    • Still in progress (as in not finished yet for the RL version)
    • TBB and Pthreads versions exist and are included as well.
  • dedup - todo

    • designed to be pipelined so should be easy
  • ferret - todo

    • designed to be pipelined so should be easy
  • x264 - todo

    • likely pretty easy to parallelize
  • fluidanimate

  • stringmatch

    • not sure if this is the best benchmark given it almost always ends up being RAM speed limited in the RL case vs. coompute limited...but, maybe not a bad idea to add.

Porting notes

M:N queue specifics

  • For specifying M:1 queue behavior, use the reduce kernel, the runtime can remove this one and insert a M:1 capable Queue
  • For 1:N queue behavior, use a split kernel which the runtime will remove and insert a 1:N capable queue.
  • For M:N behavior use a mux kernel which takes M inputs, distributes them to N outputs. The runtime will take this kernel and replace it with an M:N capable FIFO when available.