

Taskmaster is a lightweight, Rust-based process manager similar to Supervisor. It is designed to simplify the process of managing processes and ensure they run reliably.

This is a School 42 project.


Before you can use Taskmaster, you will need to install Rust's toolchain on your machine.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Running Taskmaster

Once you have installed Rust, you can run the Taskmaster dæmon by running the following command:

cargo run

and the client by running the following command:

cargo run --package taskmasterctl


Usage: taskmasterd [OPTIONS]

  -n, --nodaemon
  -h, --help      Print help
  -V, --version   Print version
Usage: taskmasterctl [COMMAND]

  start     Start processes
  stop      Stop processes
  restart   Restart processes
  status    Get the status of processes
  load      Load a configuration file
  reload    Reload the configuration
  shutdown  Shutdown the daemon
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


    cmd: "command"
    numprocs: number of processes to start in parallel
    umask: umask to apply to the process (octal value like 077)
    workingdir: working directory for the processes
    autostart: true/false whether to start the program on startup
    autorestart: unexpected/always/never whether to restart the program on exit
    exitcodes: list of exit codes that should be considered as normal
    startretries: number of times to retry starting the program before giving up if it exits before being fully started
    starttime: time to wait before considering the program as fully started
    stopsignal: signal to send to the program to stop it (TERM, INT, KILL, etc.)
    stoptime: time to wait before sending a KILL signal to the program after sending the stop signal
    stdout: path to the file to redirect stdout to
    stderr: path to the file to redirect stderr to
    env: environment variables to set for the program

See the example configuration file for a more detailed example.
