
My config for running an Insurgency: Sandstorm server via docker (thanks to @AndrewMarchukov)

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My Insurgency: Sandstorm configs

Things you need to do to use them


First, you need to go get yourself a mod.io account, then get your OAuth Access token.

Once you have those, create ismc2/config/ini/GameUserSettings.ini with the following content:

AccessToken=<Your Access Token Here>

Get Docker/Podman

Docker is a service that allows for containerization of software. It requires an account now :(

Podman is an open source (and I think nicer) alternative to Docker. It also doesn't run as a daemon and doesn't require an account. Thank you RedHat!

Edit the configs

Not gonna explain all that here, but you can read the documentation on mod.io.

Some things are automated already in the docker image. Setting up the .env file and some other configuration is documented here

Let 'er rip!

docker compose up


Big thank you to @AndrewMarchukov and the folks at mod.io for providing the docker image and tutorial, respectively.