
Basic wrapper for the 1Password cli

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Basic wrapper for the 1Password op command line application, mostly for items. Basically its just a simple wrapper to do op actions (view, edit, delete an item, ...)

You can use the flag -h (or --help) to get more help about all the possible options.

  • View an item.
  • View a list of users.
  • View a list of items.


This application does not handle authentication, you should use op signin before using opcli. Its recommended to signin everytime you want to retrieve a password. You can do the eval ... trick and keep the terminal session ope, that way you can use opcli before your session ends.

This tool is meant to be used on your terminal, maybe creating a helper function to quickly access your secure passwords (checkout opcli_helper.sh)

Get an item

In order to retrieve an item, you need to use the following flags:

  • -c: Specify the command we want to run, in this case get.
  • -s: The type of object we want to retrieve, in this case item.
  • -i: The name or UUID of the item you want to retrieve.

There are some optional flags you can use, to retrieve item information and write it to your terminal or to copy the item password directly to your clipboard (using xclip).

  • -f: Comma separated list of the fields you want to retrieve (username, uuid, password, ...).
  • --pw: Copy the item password directly to your clipboard. Handy for logins.
./opcli -c "get" -s "item" -i "My Super Secure Email Login" -f "username, password"

Search for an item

In order to search for an item (for example you dont remember the exact name, or want to search for its UUID), you need to use the following flags:

  • -c: Specify the command we want to run, in this case list.
  • -s: The type of object we want to retrieve, in this case items.
  • --search Substring of the item name or URL you want to look for.
./opcli -c "list" -s "item" --search "uni website"


opcli is licensed under the MIT license.