
Simple typing console game

Primary LanguageGo


Simple typing game where you need to type words as they appear on the screen before leaving it



This was made over the course of two days so the code is a little bit ugly (but hey! it works). I mainly wanted any idea to use the https://github.com/gdamore/tcell library

Basically words will appear between the first 10 rows of your terminal and they will slowly start to go towards the end of the screen. You need to type each word before they arrive to the end (this ia a game over), also the speed of the rows increase along the game length


All the words come from words.json, basically a big JSON file of english words. You can change this file with anything (that is an array) and it should work fine (if you want to use another language for example)


Do whatever you want. This 'game' is built mainly using (https://github.com/gdamore/tcell)[https://github.com/gdamore/tcell]