This project demonstrates an advanced chatbot that combines the NLTK library for basic language processing tasks and OpenAI's GPT-3 for generating contextually relevant and human-like responses.
Advanced Chatbot with NLTK and GPT-3 This project demonstrates an advanced chatbot that combines the NLTK library for basic language processing tasks and OpenAI's GPT-3 for generating contextually relevant and human-like responses.
-Table of Contents: 1.Introduction 2.Requirements 3.Installation 4.Usage 5.Important Note 6.Disclaimer
1.This chatbot project showcases how to create a sophisticated conversational agent that processes user input using NLTK's tokenization and leverages OpenAI's GPT-3 to generate responses. The combination of NLTK and GPT-3 provides a more advanced and contextually relevant chatbot experience.
2.Requirements: Python 3.x Required libraries: nltk, openai You can install the required libraries using the following commands: --bash pip install nltk openai
3.Installation Clone or download this repository to your local machine. --bash git clone Navigate to the project directory.
--bash cd chatbot-nltk-gpt3 Set your OpenAI API key by replacing 'your-api-key-here' in the script.
4.Usage Open the file in a text editor. Set your OpenAI API key in the openai.api_key field. Run the chatbot script. --bash python Engage in a conversation with the chatbot. Type 'exit' to end the conversation.
5.Important Note: Be cautious with your OpenAI API key. Never share it publicly or commit it to version control repositories.
6.Disclaimer: This chatbot is provided for educational and demonstration purposes only. Make sure to follow OpenAI's terms of use and API guidelines when using the GPT-3 API. The developer is not responsible for any misuse or violations of API terms.