Playwright Page Object Model Project

Based on WebdriverIO Tutorials by Raghav Pal

This project was created by Raghav Pal while doing a DEMO tutorial on How to create Page Object Model framework in Playwright This is done on a Node project with JavaScript

Tools & Technologies

  • Node JS
  • VS Code
  • JavaScript

To use this project

Step 1 - Download the folder or clone the repository

Step 2 - Check node.js is installed on your system node -v

Step 3 - Open terminal/cmd > Goto project folder > Run command

npm ci

// this will download and install all required libraries mentioned in package.json file (ci is used to install all exact version dependencies or devDependencies from a package-lock. json file)

npx playwright test // this will run the tests

Tutorial Steps - Playwright Page Object Model Project

  • Step 1 - Create a new folder and open in IDE or Editor (like VS Code)
  • Step 2 - Initialize a new Node.js project by running npm init -y to create a package.json file
  • Step 3 - Install & Setup Playwright by running npm init playwright@latest
  • Step 4 - Create a demo login test, can use Test Generator to record npx playwright codegen
  • Step 5 - Run tests and check results - npx playwright test & npx playwright show-report
  • Step 6 - Create new folder "pages" in your project, this will contain all page objects
  • Step 7 - Create a new file and class for each page e.g. login.js and LoginPage
  • Step 8 - In the class create element locators & action methods for login page
  • Step 9 - In test file, import the page class, create instance of it, & use methods from LoginPage class
  • Step 10 - Run the test npx playwright test and check results


import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { LoginPage } from '../../pages/login'

test('test', async ({ page }) => {

  const Login = new LoginPage(page)

  await Login.gotoLoginPage()
  await Login.login('tomsmith', 'SuperSecretPassword!')

  // await page.goto('');
  // await page.getByLabel('Username').click();
  // await page.getByLabel('Username').fill('tomsmith');
  // await page.getByLabel('Password').click();
  // await page.getByLabel('Password').fill('SuperSecretPassword!');
  // await page.getByRole('button', { name: ' Login' }).click();


exports.LoginPage = class LoginPage {

    constructor(page) { = page
        this.username_textbox = page.getByLabel('Username')
        this.password_textbox = page.getByLabel('Password')
        this.login_button = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Login' })

    async gotoLoginPage(){

    async login(username, password){
        await this.username_textbox.fill(username)
        await this.password_textbox.fill(password)


Never Stop Learning

Raghav Pal