
webdriverio bdd cucumber project by Raghav Pal based on - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhW3qG5bs-L9K2xtu-04jZFqykzXzqJW8

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WebdriverIO Cucumber

Based on WebdriverIO Tutorials by Raghav Pal


To use this project

Step 1 - Download the folder or clone the repository

Step 2 - Check node.js is installed on your system node -v

Step 3 - Open terminal/cmd > Goto project folder > Run command

npm install // this will download and install all required libraries mentioned in package.json file

npx wdio // this will run the tests

How to setup WebdriverIO Cucumber BDD Framework

Step 1 - Create a folder and open in VS Code

Step 2 - Run commands npm init -y and npm init wdio

Step 3 - Select the webdriverio project options and in Framework type select Cucumber

Step 4 - Install the libraries and check the project updated with test folders and config file wdio.config.js

Step 5 - Check demo feature files. Run using command npx wdio

Step 6 - Create more tests and run and check (add cucumber plugins- Cucumber | Cukes step generator)

Auto Generate step definition - .\node_modules\.bin\cucumber-js.cmd

Step 7 - Add Reports

VS Code extenstions used:

  1. Cucumber

  2. Cuke Step Definition Generator

Never Stop Learning

Raghav Pal
