
CS2103 website

Primary LanguageHTML

Source Code for the CS2103 Module Website

This repo hosts the source code for the CS2103 (Software Engineering) module at SoC (NUS)

Released version

The released version of this website is available here. The released version may be behind the latest version in this repo.


We wecome contributions from current/past CS2103 students.

The easiest way to contribute is to post bugs and suggestion in our issue tracker.

If you would like to contribute code, here is the procedure:

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Make sure what you want to contribute is already listed as an open issue in our issue tracker. If it is not, post it as an issue first and wait for it to get accepted (an issue is considered 'accepted' when it is assigned a priority.* label).
  3. Clone your fork onto your Computer.
  4. Create a branch. The branch name should be in the format issue-number-some-key-words i.e. issue number followed by 2-4 key words related to the issue description e.g. 12-broken-link-week1-schedule
  5. Implement your fix in the new branch.
    • Use 2 spaces for indenting (not tab, not 4 or 8 spaces)
    • Minimize inline styles.
    • When in doubt, you can refer to these style guides from the TEAMMATES project: JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  6. Test the code in your computer.
    Tip: When testing local html files, some JavaScripts might not work in Firefox or Chrome. In that case you can use IE. Alternatively, you can start a web server in your Computer
  7. When the fix is ready,
    1. Ensure that your fork has the latest code from this repo (the repo you forked from is called the 'upstream` repo). The code in the upstream repo may have been updated while you were fixing the issue. If that is the case, sync your fork with upstream repo
    2. Push the code to your fork and create a pull request (PR) against the master branch of this repo.
      When naming the PR, copy paste the name of the issue you are fixing, including the original issue number.
      e.g. Handbook TOC links are not working in iPhone browser #19
      In the PR description, mention Fixes #IssueNumber (e.g. Fixes #24 so that the corresponding issue is closed automatically when the PR is merged.
    3. Check the diff view of the PR to ensure it contains the intended changes only.
  8. Your code will be reviewed by someone from the dev team. If the reviewer requests changes, revise the code, push the new commits to your branch, and post a comment to say the pull request is ready for review again.
  9. When your code is acceptable, it will be merged to this repo. Your fix will be included in the next release of the website.


Many thanks to our contributors.