
Rule engine using DSL and python importlib module

Primary LanguagePython

Rule Engine using DSL

Please follow below steps to run the project

git clone
create virtualenv
cd project dir
pip install -r requirements.txt
python process_rule.py rule1 '/path/to/file.json'

rule1 is a file name under rules/ package . This file defines the rules to be run.
All operators are defined under operator/ package, operators are defined for Integer, String, Datetime dataypes as of now.
You can add more operators by adding more functions for each datatype.py file under operators/ package.

Below are the operators defined for each datatype:

  • Integer

    • Equals
    • Not_Equals
    • Greater_Than
    • Greater_Than_Equals
    • Less_Than
    • less_than_equals
  • String

    • Equals
    • Not_equals
    • Contains
  • Datetime

    • Less_than_equals
    • Greater_than_equals

Below are the rules to write .dsl file

<Atrribute> <function_name> <value>
ATL1 Less_Than_Equals 20
ATL9 greater_Than_equals 2016-06-13_22:40:10
NOTE: in case of datetime please add _ to separate date and time part.