The two folders above are divided in the following ways:
1. husky-kinetic-devel
This consists of all the files for opening/spawning multi clearpath huskies for simulation in Gazebo(this is a real world environment, with physics pre modelled).

2. using_python2
Consists all the codes used(in python). 

You need to have ROS-KINETIC installed. ROS comes pre installed with RVIZ and Gazebo. 

For seeing a visual of how it works, run roscore in one terminal and then: 
1. you'll need to start the RVIZ, command on terminal : rosrun rviz rviz 
2. RVIZ will open, change the fixed frame tag on the left side top of RVIZ to whatever is mentioned inside the main() function
   of the swarm you are running where the markers are implemented. 
3. Then you'll need to add MarkerArray from the add button on left side down of RVIZ, you can also add using /topic option, which 
   you'll see after you've clicked on the add button
4. Then put the Marker Topic as mentioned in the code. Marker Topic is the same as the Publisher name of the marker, which can be 
   found just below the main().