
JupyterLab version of Ramyond Hettinger's PyCon 2019 Talk: Modern solvers - Problems well-defined are problems solved

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Repository of JupyterLab notebooks to explore the solvers presented in Raymond Hettinger's talk: Modern solvers: Problems well-defined are problems solved - PyCon2019. Please see https://github.com/rhettinger/rhettinger.github.io for original slides/website source code.


Below are the instructions for running the JupyterLab notebook.


To deploy a simple single user environment (i.e. for development) simply run the following Docker commands (note: this assumes you are already in the Modern-Solvers-PyCon2019 directory):

docker run -d \
           --rm \
           --name solvers \
           -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes \
           -p 8888 \
           -v $PWD:/home/jovyan \
           jupyter/scipy-notebook:lab-3.5.0 && \
sleep 5 && \
  docker logs solvers 2>&1 | grep "" | tail -n 1 | \
    awk '{print $2}' | sed "s/:8888/:$(docker port solvers | \
    grep ':::' | awk '{print $3'} | sed 's/::://g')/g"

Click the link (should look similar to: which will automatically log you in and allow you to start running the notebooks.