
fork of canyough

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

#This is the change I made.


Let's try again.


Do a PR

15 points

DM me your Github username (in Zoom chat). Or canvas it to me Or sms it. or email it.

Accept the invite

Fork canyough

(and then clone it to your pc)

Make a change. Employ humor.

Create a pull request for your change. It must be for a branch from your fork


Before you create your PR, visit the canyough repo.

  1. Handle at least one OPEN PR (if present).
    1. review the change.
    2. Make sure it doesn't have conflicts
    3. Make sure it follows the instructions/configuration below. (from THEIR named branch into canyough's MAIN branch).
    4. if it does have conflicts or is not correct, comment so the owner sees them
      1. Assuming no conflicts, MERGE IT.
    5. THEN create your PR.

(this should have the effect of keeping the conflicts and merge problems low)

Due: 8/27 11:59 PM

Upload the link to the PR.

This has been fun (HHOS). Here are some basic instructions.:

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Filing a Pull Request on GitHub: A Step-by-Step Guide

Fork the Repository:

Go to the GitHub repository provided by the professor. Click on the "Fork" button in the top-right corner to create your personal copy of the repository. Clone the Forked Repository:

On your GitHub profile, navigate to the forked repository.

Click on the "Code" button and copy the repository's URL. Open a terminal on your computer and use the git clone command followed by the copied URL to clone the repository. Create a New Branch:

Navigate to the repository directory in your terminal using cd repository-name.

Create a new branch for your changes using the git checkout -b branch-name command.

Make a Single Change:

Open the project files using your preferred code editor. Make a single coding change, such as fixing a bug or adding a new feature.

Commit and Push Changes:

Save the changes in your code editor. In the terminal, use the following commands:

git add . (to stage your changes)

git commit -m "Brief description of your change" (to commit your changes)

git push origin branch-name (to push your changes to your forked repository)

Open a Pull Request:

Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub. You should see a notification banner suggesting to create a pull request for the recent branch you've pushed. Click on "Compare & pull request." Review Pull Request Details:

Ensure that the "base" branch is the original repository's main branch (usually "main" or "master"). The "compare" branch should be your created branch with the changes. Provide a descriptive title and detailed comment about your changes. Submit the Pull Request:

Review your pull request changes in the "Files Changed" tab. If everything looks good, click the "Create pull request" button. Address Feedback (if any):

Collaborators may provide feedback or request changes. Make the necessary adjustments by committing and pushing new changes to the same branch.

List Contributors

To list contributors, use the following command:
