A Smart Home Automation Project


It's a system that allows the user to control various aspects of his/her home using voice commands. With this project, you can control lights off/on (in the desired color), monitor the temperature, open/close the garage door, and more.


  • Voice-controlled lights: Turn lights on/off and change colors using voice commands.
  • Temperature monitoring: Display temperature readings on an LCD screen.
  • Garage door control: Open and close the garage door using voice commands.
  • Gas detection: Detect gas levels in your home and trigger an alarm when there is a gas leak.
  • Motor controlling: Control the movement of the garage door.

Hardware Requirements

  • Arduino UNO
  • Sensors (IR sensor, gas sensor, temperature sensor)
  • Actuators (motor)
  • LCD screen
  • Buzzer
  • RGB leds
  • Microphone

Installation and Setup

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer.
  2. Install the required libraries (LiquidCrystal, Wire, LiquidCrystal_I2C, pyttsx3, speech_recognition) on your Arduino IDE and Python environment.
  3. Upload the Arduino code (smart_home_arduino.ino) to your Arduino board.
  4. Connect the sensors, actuators, and lights to the appropriate pins on the Arduino board according to the pins that were initialized in arduino and depending on the devices DataSheets.
  5. Connect the microphone to your computer for voice commands.


  1. Run the Python script (smart_home_python.py) on your computer.
  2. Ensure that the Arduino board is connected and the correct COM port is selected.
  3. Speak voice commands to control the smart home system. For example:
    • "Turn on the lights"
    • "Open the garage door"
    • "Display temperature"

Video Demo

Watch the video: [Video link]

Additional Resources


Feel free to customize the code according to your specific needs. You can add new functionalities, modify voice commands, or integrate with other home automation systems.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please refer to the documentation or seek assistance from me.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE] file for details.
