Frontend Development Portfolio Task

Welcome to my Frontend Development Portfolio, showcasing my skills as a front-end developer intern at Foothill Technology Solutions.

Programming Languages

  1. HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language)
  2. CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheet)
  3. Some JavaSript

Key Features

  • Practicing Front-end Development: This portfolio website is meticulously crafted using HTML, CSS, and a touch of JavaScript to deliver an engaging and user-friendly experience to visitors.
  • Responsive Design: The website is designed to be responsive, ensuring it seamlessly adapts to screens of all sizes.
  • Hosting: Leveraging GitHub Pages, the website is hosted online, facilitating easy sharing and access.
  • Version Control: Git and GitHub are employed to effectively manage the project, enabling me to monitor code changes and apply Git Bash commands.
  • Accessibility: Designed with meticulous attention to web accessibility guidelines, the website ensures an inclusive experience for users with disabilities.

Additional Features

In conjunction with the aforementioned key features, this website includes:

  1. About Me: Offering insight into my background, skills, and interests.
  2. Services: Providing an overview of the services I offer.
  3. Skills: A comprehensive list of my technical proficiencies, tools, and programming languages.
  4. Projects: A curated collection of my previous projects, complete with links to live sites and code repositories.
  5. Contact: A convenient contact form to enable potential clients or employers to get in touch.
  6. Downloadable CV: The homepage features a downloadable version of my CV, accessible through a dedicated download button.

Take a look:



I extend my sincere gratitude to Foothill Technology Solutions for granting me the opportunity to participate in this internship cycle. Their unwavering support has been instrumental throughout the development of this project.
