Design and development of a web and mobile training management application

Team : 🤵Rahal Yesser , 🤵Kouki Majid , 🤵Lahbib Mohamed , 🤵Trabelsi Dhia

While discussing between us we noticed that there are problems at the level of management of the training in our institute, especially the training of the clubs. Those problems will affect mediating training in order to obstruct them

To master the technologies we learned throughout this year , we decided to practice them in a real life project . Our mission for this project revolves around the development of a web and mobile application that helps students to be assigned to trainings .

Functionnal needs :

  • Admin :

    • log in to administration interface
    • manage training
    • manage trainer
    • check offered trainings
    • notify trainer
  • Trainer :

    • consult list of trainings
    • consult list of assigned training
    • log in
    • offer training
  • Student :

    • can consult list of trainings
    • create an account
    • log in
    • register for training
    • can consult list of registered training

Frameworks :

Data Bases :

Tools :



This project offered us a very rich opportunity where we practiced our knowledge in the field of web and mobile application development using microservices architecture, UML design , SCRUM as well as sql and nosql database design and modeling.
Thanks to this project we learned the fundamental steps of the realization of a project in development.

Indeed, this work being a human work, is not a unique and perfect model, this is why we remain open to all criticisms and we are ready to receive all suggestions and remarks tending to further improve this study, since all computer work has always been the work of a team.