Photo Market

【Introduction of Photo Market】

  • This app is based on image sharing app where a user can share his image on site and anybody connected to this site can give him tips for his/her image with blockchain mechanism


【Video Overview】

Demo video link :



PM1 pm pm4


Setup private network by using Ganache-CLI

  1. Download Ganache-CLI from link below

  2. Execute Ganache (If you want to use local test network .You can also use Rinkby,ropsten,kovan test network also)

$ ganache-cli -d

-d option is the option in order to be able to use same address on Ganache-CLI every time.


Setup wallet by using Metamask

  1. Add MetaMask to browser (Chrome or FireFox or Opera or Brave)

  2. Adjust appropriate newwork below


Setup backend

  1. Deploy contracts to private network of Ganache
(root directory)

$ truffle migrate --reset development/rinkby/ropsten/kovan


Setup frontend

  1. NPM modules install
$ cd client
$ npm install

  1. Execute command below in root directory.
$ cd ..
$ npm run start
  1. Access to browser by using link