Chat with URL API

This API uses various tools and libraries to fetch content from a URL, process it, and generate responses using OpenAI's language models. It supports both GET and POST requests.


To get starting first clone the Repo and than install packages.

Clone the Repo:

git clone

Install Packages:

npm install


npm i


Start the server by running:

npm start

The server will run on http://localhost:3000. You can use the /chat endpoint to interact with the API.

GET /chat

Returns a welcome message and the expected parameters.

POST /chat

Accepts a JSON body with the following fields:

query (string, required): The query to ask.
url (string, required): The URL to fetch content from.
model (string, optional): The model to use (default: "gpt-4o").
temperature (number, optional): The temperature setting for the model (default: 0.7).
maxTokens (number, optional): The maximum number of tokens (default: 1000).
chunkSize (number, optional): The size of the chunks to split the text into (default: 1000).
chunkOverlap (number, optional): The overlap between chunks (default: 200).
Include the openai-api-key in the request headers.

Example POST Request

  "query": "What is the main topic of the article?",
  "url": "",
  "model": "gpt-4o",
  "temperature": 0.7,
  "maxTokens": 1000,
  "chunkSize": 1000,
  "chunkOverlap": 200

Include the openai-api-key in the headers of the request.

This API is a powerful tool for fetching and processing content from URLs and generating responses using OpenAI's language models. Feel free to extend and customize it to suit your needs.