
Phase 1

  • LSM does not work between runs. ie. if you create a table, end the program, and try to read from the table in a new run, it will not work.

  • The instruction file must not have empty lines. Commented lines are allowed, which start with a #, and must be the first character of the line.

  • The default log file destination is log.log. The program will print out many things to stdout, but these can be ignored. The log that is requested in the project description will be outputted to this file (or it can be specified in the parameter -f to the program)

Running the program

First create the storage directory: mkdir storage


python3 main1.py

Run just like this and it will give you a help message.

Recommended to rm -rf storage/* before running the main program.

Running unit tests


To add new tests, put them in tests/ and save as <module_name>_test.py. See tests/slotted_page_test.py for an example.

Phase 2


tar with gzip must exist.

networkx (python module) is a dependency for phase 2. This can be installed via pip3 install networkx, or you can use the requirements.txt, like pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the program

python3 main2.py -h

Run just like this and it will give you a help message. The script will automatically destroy and recreate the storage directory. After execution the storage directory will survive, however, so its contents can be inspected to look at the disk status after execution. Note that entries with negative IDs are marked as deleted.

The two required arguments are the scheduling type and the first script. For example:

python3 main2.py rr script.txt

To run multiple scripts, simply list all the script file names:

python3 main2.py rr script1.txt script2.txt script3.txt

Shell autoexpansion also works, to run all the scripts in a directory. For example, to run all scripts under test_scripts/phase2/bench_conc with round robin:

python3 main2.py rr test_scripts/phase2/bench_conc/*

The only two scheduling types are rr and random.

The log (in the format as specified in phase 1) will be output in log.log by default. The output file for this log can be specified with the -f parameter.

Some other useful output is printed to standard output.