
Boipoka is a sophisticated web-based Library Management System designed to streamline and enhance the process of borrowing and returning books.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Library Management System

Project Overview

Boipoka is a sophisticated web-based Library Management System designed to streamline and enhance the process of borrowing and returning books. This system is developed to provide users with a seamless and efficient experience in managing their reading preferences, borrowing history, and exploring a diverse collection of books available in the library.

Project Features

  • User Authentication:

    • Users can register on the website and log in via email or Google.
    • Users cannot access most of the private sections (add books, all books, borrowed books, etc.) without first logging in to the website.
    • Users can view login error and success alerts using toasts and SweetAlert.
    • Users can toggle between the login and registration pages.
    • Users are required to use passwords that contain at least one uppercase letter, one special character, and have a minimum length of 6 characters.
  • Book Management:

    • Users can borrow and return books.
    • Borrowing date and return date are displayed in the borrowed books section.
    • Users can read a book.
    • Each user has a personalized "Borrowed Books" section.

Tech Stack


  • Developed using React and Vite for a fast and reactive user interface.


  • Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling.
  • Vanilla CSS for custom styling.


  • MongoDB for storing and managing data.
  • Firebase for secure user authentication.

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