This is the RTL version of "Light Bootstrap Dashboard by CreativeTim".
about this template:
Light Bootstrap Dashboard is an admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It is built on top of Bootstrap 3 and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collections of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS or CRM.
The product represents a big suite of front-end developer tools that can help you jump start your project. We have created it thinking about things you actually need in a dashboard. Light Bootstrap Dashboard contains multiple handpicked and optimised plugins. Everything is designed to fit with one another. As you will be able to see, the dashboard you can access on Creative Tim is a customisation of this product.
It comes with 6 filter colors for the sidebar (“black”, “azure”,”green”,”orange”,”red”,”purple”) and an option to have a background image.
Quick start options:
- Download from Github
- Clone the repo:
git clone
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:
├── assets/
| ├── css/
| | ├── animate.min.css
| | ├── bootstrap.min.css
| | ├── bootstrap-rtl.min.css
| | ├── demo.css
│ | ├── light-bootstrap-dashboard.css
| | ├── light-bootstrap-dashboard-rtl.css
│ | └── pe-icon-7-stroke.css
| ├── js/
| | ├── bootstrap-checkbox-radio-switch.js
| | ├── bootstrap-notify.js
| | ├── bootstrap-select.js
| | ├── bootstrap.min.js
│ | ├── chartist.min.js
│ | ├── demo.js
│ | ├── jquery-1.10.2.js
│ | └── light-bootstrap-dashboard.js
| ├── fonts/
| | ├── Pe-icon-7-stroke.eot
| | ├── Pe-icon-7-stroke.svg
| | ├── Pe-icon-7-stroke.ttf
| | └── Pe-icon-7-stroke.woff
| └── img/
├── Creative Tim License.pdf
├── dashboard.html
├── icons.html
├── maps.html
├── notifications.html
├── table.html
├── template.html
├── typography.html
├── upgrade.html
└── user.html
see, I only added light-bootstrap-dashboard-rtl.css
and bootstrap-rtl.min.css
to primitive ltr version.
(bootstrap-rtl by @morteza)
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