This repository contains C++ codes developed for the IJOC paper "Managing Product Transitions: A Bilevel Programming Approach"
The codes are developed in Visual Studio and solved by Cplex 12.9. The zip file contains the following folders:
- "ER1_Effect of product mix": This code is used in Section 5.4 (i.e Impact of Product Mix) to explore the impact of product mix, i.e., the number of current and new products on the optimal objective values of the CORP, MFG, and ENG problems.
- "ER1_WarmStart" and "ER1_WarmStart": The codes developed for exact reformulations 1 and 2 (ER1 and ER2). These are the main codes that are equipped with the greedy heuristic presented in Appendix A of the Online Supplement.
- "ER1_WarmStart - Multiple ENGs": The code of the algorithm is presented in Appendix C of the Online Supplement. This code is used in Section 5.3 to account for multiple ENG entities.
- "ER2-Cost of Decentralization": This code is used in Section 5.5 (Cost of Decentralization) to evaluate the impact of bilevel decision hierarchy on the objective function performance.
Please direct your questions and suggestions to Rahman Khorramfar at