
➜ Robo Friends App🤖 build using ReactJS⚛️ which displays dynamic Robo Cards containing user's data & images fetch through JSONPlaceholder API & RoboHash image generator and have search functionality to search🔍 the cards.

Primary LanguageHTML


App Screenshot App Screenshot


👉 Robo Friends App 🤖 build using ReactJS which displays random Robo Cards containing user's data & images fetch through JSONPlaceholder API & RoboHash image generator and have search functionality to search the cards. I have used Cufon Fonts for logo which gives a robotic look to it. It is build fully responsive to support mobiles and tabs viewport.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/rahmathirshad/robo-friends-app.git

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

🔗 Links
