
2nd app by RGSoC team $we init

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


2nd app by RGSoC team $we init

Statement :

  • The Bot will require new Issues and PRs to use the respective templates and fill out their fields.
  • It will check that the template was actually used instead of deleted by ensuring that keywords are present in the body.

Details of Implementation :

  • The repository on which the bot is to be installed is required to contain an ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md file as well as a PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md file
  • Upon the opening of an issue or a pull request, the bot is triggered to do the following:
    • It reads the template accordingly (based on whether it is an issue or a pull request that was opened) and then stores the fields present in the template in an array.
    • Then it takes the issue body and checks for the occurence of each of element of the array of template fields in the issue body.
    • It also handles check-boxes markdown which are commonly used in PR templates

Future Scope :

  • We want to enforce certain mandatory fields to necessarily contain some content
  • We also want to ensure that the content filled against these fields is relevant and not some random gibberish.