Assignment 1


This Repo contains an analysis of a finite Markov Decision Process (MDP), focusing on determining the optimal policy using both Value Iteration and Policy Iteration algorithms.

Question 1

The MDP is designed to model a scenario involving three locations: Hostel, Academic Building, and Canteen. The objective is to determine the optimal actions (policies) to maximize the expected rewards at each state.


  • Hostel
  • Academic Building
  • Canteen


  • Attend Classes
  • Eat Food

Transition Probabilities and Rewards

From State Action To State Transition Probability Reward
Hostel Attend Classes Academic Building 0.5 +3
Hostel Attend Classes Hostel 0.5 -1
Hostel Eat Food Canteen 1.0 +1
Academic Building Attend Classes Academic Building 0.7 +3
Academic Building Attend Classes Hostel 0.3 -1
Academic Building Eat Food Canteen 0.8 +1
Academic Building Eat Food Academic Building 0.2 +3
Canteen Attend Classes Academic Building 0.6 +3
Canteen Attend Classes Hostel 0.3 -1
Canteen Attend Classes Canteen 0.1 +1
Canteen Eat Food Canteen 1.0 1


WhatsApp Image 2024-08-28 at 22 20 19

Value Iteration

The Value Iteration algorithm was applied to the MDP, resulting in the following optimal state values:

  • V(Hostel) = 16.0556977
  • V(Academic_Building) = 21.84597336
  • V(Canteen) = 18.82616452


The algorithm converged at γ (gamma) = 0.9.

Policy Iteration

The Policy Iteration algorithm was also applied, yielding the following optimal policy:

  • π(Hostel) = Attend Classes
  • π(Academic_Building) = Attend Classes
  • π(Canteen) = Attend Classes


Similar to Value Iteration, the algorithm converged at γ (gamma) = 0.9.


Both Value Iteration and Policy Iteration methods identified that the optimal policy at each state (Hostel, Academic Building, and Canteen) is to Attend Classes. The MDP model effectively demonstrates the process of finding the optimal policy in a controlled environment.

Question 2

Value Iteration

The Results obtain from value iteration as quiver diagram: Where ever the value of a state is zero, there is a blockade or obstacle/wall in the gridworld environment The algorithm converged at γ (gamma) = 0.9. image

Policy Iteration

The Results obtain from Policy iteration as quiver diagram: Where ever the value of a state is zero, there is a blockade or obstacle/wall in the gridworld environment The algorithm converged at γ (gamma) = 0.9.

The action set is (UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT) - also represented by (U,D,R,L) in the quiver plot image


Both Value Iteration and Policy Iteration methods were used to find out optimal policy at each state of the gridworld and help navigate the robot to it destination. The Results of both value iterations and Policy iterations were similar and gave optimal policy and it converged at gamma = 0.9. It was visualized using quiver plot. The MDP model effectively demonstrates the process of finding the optimal policy in a controlled environment.