
A Simple movie search engine built with react and OMDBapi.


  • Here users need to login first for searching the movie using username from jsonplaceholder.

  • After login of Authenticate User, User will be redirected to their dashboard where they are able to search for any movie.

  • User will get the desired result after giving the valid keyword in the search result.

  • User can see a maximum of 10 Datas on one go,then there is pagination which manage the rest of the datas.

  • User will be able to see their suggestion keywords as per previous search.

  • User cans see details of any particular movie after clicking on it.

  • The details will be shown on another page..

  • User have a valid logout button to get sign off from the Search Engine.

Built With

  • ReactJS
  • Bootstrap
  • OMDBapi
  • jsonplaceholder API


  1. Login Page


  1. Dashboard


  1. Detailed Page



  1. Clone the repository and change directory.
cd Bharat-agree-assignment
  1. Install npm dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the app locally.
npm start