
Material design tooltip component using CSS and pura Javascript

Primary LanguageCSS


Material design tooltip component using CSS and pure Javascript

Demo Tooltip:

Tooltip Demo

Insatallation and Usage

Using NPM:

npm install material-tooltip --save

Using Source files: Include CSS file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/src/material-tooltip.css">

Include JS file before the end of body tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/src/material-tooltip.js"></script>

Note: Add correct source path of the files

Then add the tooltip meta and class on element, on which you want to display tooltip:

<i class="material-icons md-tooltip" data-m-tooltip="This is a tooltip content!">pets</i>

Note: Make sure to add md-tooltip class, and data-m-tooltip with tooltip content.

By default tooltip will gets displayed on bottom.

To change the position, add following classes on .md-tooltip level: md-tooltip--top, md-tooltip--left, md-tooltip--right for respective position.