

1.) Make a new Project on MongoDB 2.) Make a new cluster 3.) Add ip address from server side host into mongoDB from Network access tab(comes later). 4.) Create a username & password & save that password with you, you will have to use it later on server rendering. 5.) Last step is to connect to cluster & copy the database link; now replace the with your cluster passwork & you will enter this link in server deployment


Server hosting

1.) Start a web service 2.) Select a repository & proceed 3.) Give a name, root directory, build command(npm install), start command(npm run start) 4.) Enter enviornment variables used in your server, server port will be replaced by mongoDB link from cluster in step 5 of databse hosting, also add any api keys here


Front end hosting

1.) Select a static service 2.) Select a repository & proceed 3.) Give a name, root directory, build command(npm run build), publish directory(build) 4.) Add enviornment variable, serverurl = backend url from server hosting.