
Trivago is an online hotel search platform that compares prices from various hotels on booking sites worldwide, trivago claims to be the world's largest online hotel search site, comparing rates from over 1 million hotels and more than 250 booking sites worldwide.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a clone of Hotel comparing website called Trivago.in where you can compare hotels from different websites and pick the best option for you.

Technologies Used

Libraries Used

  • Material-UI
  • react-google-login
  • react-date-range
  • react-map-gl
  • react-stripe-checkout
  • styled-components


  • Google Auth for Log-In
  • Search for Hotel by location, landmark, hotel name
  • Location of the Hotels in Map
  • Filter and sort feature for Hotels
  • All details with live comparison
  • Payment Gateway to book hotel

How to run project locally?

After cloning the repository, just have to run these two commands on the outer most of the repository.

  • npm run dev
  • json-server payment.json --port 3002

1.Landing Page

This is our landing page

Here is the landing page with daterangepicker

2.Hotels Comparison page

After searching from the landing page with location or hotel name user will be redirected to this page where user can further search or explore hotels as per the requirement

User can also see map by hitting the view map link

If user wants to filter on the basis of price, type of hotel, location, stars ,ratings he can do all those things in our webpage

3.Hotel cards

If user wants to explore the hotel's information he can click on the certain sections like overview, info, photos ,deals

4.Users login/signup page

If user clicked on the login button from the landing page he will be redirected to this page here we have given the option of login using google auth as well as normal email and password

5.Booking Page

Actually trivago is not a hotel booking site it is just hotel comparison site which helps you to find the perfect hotel for user if he wants to book that hotel trivago redirect to different hotel booking sites, but we went one step ahead and built page for booking hotel.

User can click on the pay with card then he can give his details on this window, and hotel can be boooked successfully.

6. Recently visited page

User can find the hotels which he has viewed recently in this page
