Deploy kubernetes using OCI Devops and Instances group

Its a specific sample execution to cover

  • OCI Devops with Instance group deployment.
  • While the instance is acted as a jump host towards a customer kubernetes cluster.

Target Audience : OCI Devops Experienced

Basic instructions

  • Create a dynamic group with below rules for devops usages.
ALL {resource.type = 'devopsbuildpipeline', = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'}	
ALL {resource.type = 'devopsdeploypipeline', = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'}	
ALL {resource.type = 'devopsrepository', = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'}	
All { = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'}	
ALL {resource.type = 'devopsconnection', = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xx'}
  • Create a policy with below statements for devops usages.
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to manage repos in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to read secret-family in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to manage devops-family in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to manage generic-artifacts in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to manage repos in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to use ons-topics in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to use instance-agent-command-execution-family in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group mr-telesis-private-dg-devops-instances to read generic-artifacts in compartment <compartment_name>
Allow dynamic-group  to read all-artifacts in compartment <compartments>

  • Follow the on screen instruction and push the whole files here to OCI code repo.

  - default
  - name: ocarun

  • We are using kubectl for the kubernetes deployment ,to do so you may install kubectl manually to the compute instance or add a step inside the deployment stage.

  • Create a specific dynamic group for the OCI CLI instance principal and add below rule .
All { = ''}

  • Create a specific policy for the OCI CLI instance principal and add below rules .
Allow dynamic-group <DG name> to manage cluster-family in compartment <Compartment name>

  • Artifact for Kubernetes manifest (A yaml to use with kubectl)

  • Artifact for instance group deployment (To orchestrate instance actions )

  • Add a deliver artifact stage.Select all 3 artifacts and associate with the correct outputArtifact name from build_spec file.

  • Refer the ourputArtifacts names below

  - name: oke_app_base 
    type: DOCKER_IMAGE
    # this location tag doesn't effect the tag used to deliver the container image
    # to the Container Registry
    location: oke_app_base:latest

  - name: oke_deploy_manifest
    type: BINARY
    # this location tag doesn't effect the tag used to deliver the container image
    # to the Container Registry
    location: ${OCI_PRIMARY_SOURCE_DIR}/kubemanifest.yaml

  - name: instance_group_manifest
    type: BINARY
    # this location tag doesn't effect the tag used to deliver the container image
    # to the Container Registry
    location: ${OCI_PRIMARY_SOURCE_DIR}/instance_deploymentspec.yaml

  • Add a deploy to instance group stage to the deploy pipeline

  • Switch back to build pipeline and add a trigger deployment stage to connect build and deployment.

  • Here we are using an OKE to simulate as an external kubernetes ,so these values to adjust at the build_spec.yaml

    artifact_repo_ocid: <OCID of artifact repo>
    oke_oci_odi: <OCI of OKE>
    region: <OCI Region>
    oci_oke_endpoint_type: <Cluster API Endpoint type  - PUBLIC_ENDPOINT or PRIVATE_ENDPOINT>
  • Change the image reference inside file kubemanifest.yaml to the correct OCI container repo image path.
        - name: sample-oke-bg-app
          # enter the path to your image, be sure to include the correct region prefix
          image: <Path to Docker Image>:${BUILDRUN_HASH}
          imagePullPolicy: Always

  • Upload the changes back to OCI Code repo and do a manual run.

  • Once the build completes follow the deployment and finally validate the kubernetes deployments (Its a web app ,can be launched using the service loadbalancer IP)

  • You may use cloud-shell or bastion hosts to verify the kubernetes deployments as well.

  • Application url would be http://< Service loadbalancer IP address>

  • Sample deployment logs are below

Lets think of another scenario

  • In this case we are using a standard kubernetes and using token we will be creating a kubeconfig.

  • Create a vault and store the kubeapi server name and port as well as access token to vault secret .

  • Add the policy for build runner to access vault secrets

Allow dynamic-group xxxx to read secret-family in compartment <compartment_name>

Example .


token="kube access token"

  • Rename build_spec_kube.yaml as build_spec.yaml

  • Rename instance_deploymentspec_kube.yaml as instance_deploymentspec.yaml

  • Re run the build pipeline and validate.

Read more


  • Author : Rahul M R.
  • Colloboroators : NA
  • Last release : March 2022