
HAProxy Ingress controller

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HAProxy Ingress controller

Ingress controller implementation for HAProxy loadbalancer.

Build Status Docker Repository on Quay


HAProxy Ingress images are built by Travis CI and the image is deployed from Travis CI to Quay.io whenever a tag is applied. The latest tag will always point to the latest stable version while canary tag will always point to the latest beta-quality and release-candidate versions.

Before the beta-quality releases, the source code could also be tagged and images deployed. The snapshot tag will always point to the latest tagged version, which could be a release, a beta-quality or a development version.


The five minutes deployment

Follow the detailed instructions here or, in short:

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcmoraisjr/haproxy-ingress/master/docs/haproxy-ingress.yaml
kubectl label node <node-name> role=ingress-controller

Deployment from examples


HAProxy Ingress has two types of dynamic configurations: per ingress resource using annotations, or globally using a ConfigMap resource. The controller has also static command-line arguments.

It is also possible to change the default template mounting a new template file at /etc/haproxy/template/haproxy.tmpl. This is the only file in the directory, so create a configmap with haproxy.tmpl key mounting into /etc/haproxy/template will work.


The following annotations are supported:

  • [0] only in canary tag
  • [1] only in snapshot tag
Name Data Usage
ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity affinity type -
ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-type "basic" doc
ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret secret name doc
ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-realm realm string doc
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-cert-header [true|false] doc
ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-error-page url doc
ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret namespace/secret name doc
[1] ingress.kubernetes.io/blue-green-deploy label=value=weight,... doc
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts [true|false] -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-include-subdomains [true|false] -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-max-age qty of seconds -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-preload [true|false] -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-connections qty -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-rps rate per second -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-whitelist cidr list -
ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size size (bytes) -
ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-backends [true|false] -
ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-verify-ca-secret secret name -
ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name cookie name -
[1] ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-strategy [insert|prefix|rewrite] -
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-passthrough [true|false] -
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect [true|false] doc
ingress.kubernetes.io/app-root /url doc
ingress.kubernetes.io/whitelist-source-range CIDR -
[0] ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target path string -
ingress.kubernetes.io/server-alias domain name or regex -


Configure if HAProxy should maintain client requests to the same backend server.

  • ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: the only supported option is cookie. If declared, clients will receive a cookie with a hash of the server it should be fidelized to.
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name: the name of the cookie. INGRESSCOOKIE is the default value if not declared.
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-strategy: the cookie strategy to use (insert, rewrite, prefix). insert is the default value if not declared.

Note for dynamic-scaling users only: the hash of the server is built based on it's name. When the slots are scaled down, the remaining servers might change it's server name on HAProxy configuration. In order to circumvent this, always configure the slot increment at least as much as the number of replicas of the deployment that need to use affinity. This limitation will be removed when HAProxy version is updated to 1.8.

Auth TLS

Configure client authentication with X509 certificate. The following headers are added to the request:

  • X-SSL-Client-SHA1: Hex encoding of the SHA-1 fingerprint of the X509 certificate
  • X-SSL-Client-DN: Distinguished name of the certificate
  • X-SSL-Client-CN: Common name of the certificate

The prefix of the header name can be configured with ssl-headers-prefix configmap option, which defaults to X-SSL.

The following annotations are supported:

  • ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-cert-header: if true HAProxy will add X-SSL-Client-Cert http header with a base64 encoding of the X509 certificate provided by the client. Default is to not provide the client certificate.
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-error-page: optional URL of the page to redirect the user if he doesn't provide a certificate or the certificate is invalid.
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret: mandatory secret name with ca key providing all certificate authority bundles used to validate client certificates.

See also client cert sample.


Configure weight of a blue/green deployment. The annotation accepts a comma separated list of label name/value pair and a numeric weight. Concatenate label name, label value and weight with an equal sign, without spaces. The label name/value pair will be used to match corresponding pods.

The endpoints of a single backend are selected using service selectors, which also uses labels. Because of that, in order to use blue/green deployment, the deployment, daemon set or replication controller template should have at least two label name/value pairs - one that matches the service selector and another that matches the blue/green selector.

The following configuration group=blue=1,group=green=4 will redirect 20% of the load to the group=blue pods and 80% of the load to the group=green if they have the same number of replicas.

Note that this configuration is related to every single pod. On the configuration above, if group=blue has two replicas and group=green has just one, green would receive only the double of the number of requests dedicated to blue. This can be adjusted using higher numbers - eg 10/40 instead of 1/4 - and divided by the number of replicas of each deployment - eg 5/40 instead of 10/40.

Value of 0 (zero) can also be used. This will let the endpoint configured in the backend accepting persistent connections - see affinity - but will not participate in the load balancing. The maximum weight value is 256.

See also the example page.



Configure rate limit and concurrent connections per client IP address in order to mitigate DDoS attack. If several users are hidden behind the same IP (NAT or proxy), this configuration may have a negative impact for them. Whitelist can be used to these IPs.

The following annotations are supported:

  • ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-connections: Maximum number os concurrent connections per client IP
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-rps: Maximum number of connections per second of the same IP
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-whitelist: Comma separated list of CIDRs that should be removed from the rate limit and concurrent connections check

Server Alias

Creates an alias of the server that annotation belongs to. It'll be using the same backend but different ACL. Alias rules will be checked at the very end of list or rules. It is allowed to be a regex.

Note: ^ and $ cannot be used because they are already included in ACL.

Rewrite Target

Configures how URI of the requests should be rewritten before send the request to the backend. The following table shows some examples:

ingress path request path rewrite target output
/abc /abc / /
/abc /abc/ / /
/abc /abc/x / /x
/abc /abc /y /y
/abc /abc/ /y /y/
/abc /abc/x /y /y/x
/abc/ /abc / 404
/abc/ /abc/ / /
/abc/ /abc/x / /x


If using ConfigMap to configure HAProxy Ingress, use --configmap=<namespace>/<configmap-name> argument on HAProxy Ingress deployment. A ConfigMap can be created with kubectl create configmap.

The following parameters are supported:

  • [0] only in canary tag
  • [1] only in snapshot tag
Name Type Default
balance-algorithm algorithm name roundrobin
backend-check-interval time with suffix 2s
backend-server-slots-increment number of slots 32
[1] cookie-key secret key Ingress
dynamic-scaling [true|false] false
forwardfor [add|ignore|ifmissing] add
healthz-port port number 10253
hsts [true|false] true
hsts-include-subdomains [true|false] false
hsts-max-age number of seconds 15768000
hsts-preload [true|false] false
http-log-format http log format HAProxy default log format
[0] https-log-format https(tcp) log format|default do not log
https-to-http-port port number 0 (do not listen)
[0] load-server-state (experimental) [true|false] false
max-connections number 2000
proxy-body-size number of bytes unlimited
ssl-ciphers colon-separated list link to code
ssl-dh-default-max-size number 1024
ssl-dh-param namespace/secret name no custom DH param
[0] ssl-headers-prefix prefix X-SSL
ssl-options space-separated list no-sslv3 no-tls-tickets
ssl-redirect [true|false] true
stats-auth user:passwd no auth
stats-port port number 1936
stats-proxy-protocol [true|false] false
syslog-endpoint IP:port (udp) do not log
tcp-log-format tcp log format HAProxy default log format
timeout-client time with suffix 50s
timeout-client-fin time with suffix 50s
timeout-connect time with suffix 5s
timeout-http-request time with suffix 5s
timeout-keep-alive time with suffix 1m
timeout-server time with suffix 50s
timeout-server-fin time with suffix 50s
timeout-tunnel time with suffix 1h
[0] use-host-on-https [true|false] false
use-proxy-protocol [true|false] false
[1] drain-support [true|false] false


Define a load balancing algorithm.



Define the interval between TCP health checks to the backend using inter option.



Define a secret key used with the IP address and port number of a backend server to dynamically create a cookie to that server. Only useful on cookie based server affinity. See also affinity annotations.



The dynamic-scaling option defines if backend updates should be made starting a new HAProxy instance that will read the new config file (false), or updating the running HAProxy via a Unix socket (true). Despite the configuration, the config file will stay in sync with in memory config.

If true HAProxy Ingress will create at least backend-server-slots-increment servers on each backend and update them via a Unix socket without reloading HAProxy. Unused servers will stay in a disabled state.

  • dynamic-scaling: Define if dynamic scaling should be used whenever possible
  • backend-server-slots-increment: Configures the minimum number of servers, the size of the increment when growing and the size of the decrement when shrinking of each HAProxy backend



Define if X-Forwarded-For header should be added always, added if missing or ignored from incomming requests. Default is add which means HAProxy will itself generate a X-Forwarded-For header with client's IP address and remove this same header from incomming requests.

Use ignore to skip any check. ifmissing should be used to add X-Forwarded-For with client's IP address only if this header is not defined. Only use ignore or ifmissing on trusted networks.



Define the port number HAProxy should listen to in order to answer for health checking requests. Use /healthz as the request path.



Configure global (configmap) or per host or location (annotation) HSTS - HTTP Strict Transport Security. Annotations has precedence over global configuration.

Global configmap options:

  • hsts: true if HSTS response header should be added
  • hsts-include-subdomains: true if it should apply to subdomains as well
  • hsts-max-age: time in seconds the browser should remember this configuration
  • hsts-preload: true if the browser should include the domain to HSTS preload list

Annotations on ingress resources:

  • ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-include-subdomains
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-max-age
  • ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-preload



A port number to listen http requests from another load balancer that does the ssl offload.

How it works: HAProxy will define if the request came from a HTTPS connection reading the X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header or the port number the client used to connect. If the header is https or the port number matches https-to-http-port, HAProxy will behave just like itself did the ssl offload: HSTS header will be provided if configured and no https redirect will be done. There is only one exception: if https-to-http-port is 80, only the header will be checked.

The X-Forwarded-Proto header is optional in the following conditions:

  • The https-to-http-port should not match HTTP port 80; and
  • The load balancer should connect to the same https-to-http-port number, eg cannot have any proxy like Kubernetes' NodePort between the load balancer and HAProxy


Define if HAProxy should save and reload it's current state between server reloads, like uptime of backends, qty of requests and so on.

This is an experimental feature and has currently some issues if using with dynamic-scaling: an old state with disabled servers will disable them in the new configuration.


Customize the tcp, http or https log format using log format variables. Only used if syslog-endpoint is also configured.

  • tcp-log-format: log format of TCP proxies, defaults to HAProxy default TCP log format. See also TCP services configmap command-line option.
  • http-log-format: log format of all HTTP proxies, defaults to HAProxy default HTTP log format.
  • https-log-format: log format of TCP proxy used to inspect SNI extention. Use default to configure default TCP log format, defaults to not log.



Define the maximum number of concurrent connections on all proxies. Defaults to 2000 connections, which is also the HAProxy default configuration.



Define the maximum number of bytes HAProxy will allow on the body of requests. Default is to not check, which means requests of unlimited size. This limit can be changed per ingress resource.

Since 0.4 a suffix can be added to the size, so 10m means 10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes. Supported suffix are: k, m and g.



Set the list of cipher algorithms used during the SSL/TLS handshake.



Define the maximum size of a temporary DH parameters used for key exchange. Only used if ssl-dh-param isn't provided.



Define DH parameters file used on ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange during the SSL/TLS handshake.



Define the http header prefix that should be used with certificate parameters such as DN and SHA1 on client cert authentication. The default value is X-SSL which will create a X-SSL-Client-DN header with the DN of the certificate.

Since RFC 6648 X- prefix on unstandardized headers changed from a convention to deprecation. This configuration allows to select which pattern should be used on SSL/TLS headers.


Define a space-separated list of options on SSL/TLS connections:

  • force-sslv3: Enforces use of SSLv3 only
  • force-tlsv10: Enforces use of TLSv1.0 only
  • force-tlsv11: Enforces use of TLSv1.1 only
  • force-tlsv12: Enforces use of TLSv1.2 only
  • no-sslv3: Disables support for SSLv3
  • no-tls-tickets: Enforces the use of stateful session resumption
  • no-tlsv10: Disables support for TLSv1.0
  • no-tlsv11: Disables support for TLSv1.1
  • no-tlsv12: Disables support for TLSv1.2


A global configuration of SSL redirect used as default value if ingress resource doesn't use ssl-redirect annotation. If true HAProxy Ingress sends a 302 redirect to https if TLS is configured.


Configurations of the HAProxy status page:

  • stats-auth: Enable basic authentication with clear-text password - <user>:<passwd>
  • stats-port: Change the port HAProxy should listen to requests
  • stats-proxy-protocol: Define if the stats endpoint should enforce the PROXY protocol


Configure the UDP syslog endpoint where HAProxy should send access logs.


Define timeout configurations:

  • timeout-client: Maximum inactivity time on the client side
  • timeout-client-fin: Maximum inactivity time on the client side for half-closed connections - FIN_WAIT state
  • timeout-connect: Maximum time to wait for a connection to a backend
  • timeout-http-request: Maximum time to wait for a complete HTTP request
  • timeout-keep-alive: Maximum time to wait for a new HTTP request on keep-alive connections
  • timeout-server: Maximum inactivity time on the backend side
  • timeout-server-fin: Maximum inactivity time on the backend side for half-closed connections - FIN_WAIT state
  • timeout-tunnel: Maximum inactivity time on the client and backend side for tunnels


On TLS connections HAProxy will choose the backend based on the TLS's SNI extension. If SNI wasn't provided or the hostname provided wasn't found, the default behavior is to use the default backend. The default TLS certificate is used.

If use-host-on-https confimap option is declared as true, HAProxy will use the Host header provided in the request. In this case the default backend will only be used if the hostname provided by the Host header wasn't found. Note that the TLS handshake is finished before HAProxy is aware of the hostname, because of that only the default X509 certificate can be used.


Define if HAProxy is behind another proxy that use the PROXY protocol. If true, ports 80 and 443 will enforce the PROXY protocol.

The stats endpoint (defaults to port 1936) has it's own stats-proxy-protocol configuration.


Set to true if you wish to use HAProxy's drain support for pods that are NotReady (e.g., failing a k8s readiness check) or are in the process of terminating. This option only makes sense with cookie affinity configured as it allows persistent traffic to be directed to pods that are in a not ready or terminating state.


The following command-line arguments are supported:

  • [0] only in canary tag
Name Type Default
[0] allow-cross-namespace [true|false] false
default-backend-service namespace/servicename (mandatory)
default-ssl-certificate namespace/secretname (mandatory)
ingress-class name haproxy
kubeconfig /path/to/kubeconfig in cluster config
[0] rate-limit-update uploads per second (float) 0.5
reload-strategy [native|reusesocket|multibinder] native
sort-backends [true|false] false
[0] tcp-services-configmap namespace/configmapname no tcp svc
[0] verify-hostname [true|false] true


--allow-cross-namespace argument, if added, will allow reading secrets from one namespace to an ingress resource of another namespace. The default behavior is to deny such cross namespace reading. This adds a breaking change from v0.4 to v0.5 on ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret annotation, where cross namespace reading were allowed without any configuration.


Defines the namespace/servicename that should be used if the incomming request doesn't match any hostname, or the requested path doesn't match any location within the desired hostname.

This is a mandatory argument used in the deployment example page.


Defines the namespace/secretname of the default certificate that should be used if ingress resources using TLS configuration doesn't provide it's own certificate.

This is a mandatory argument used in the deployment and TLS termination example pages.


More than one ingress controller is supported per Kubernetes cluster. The --ingress-class argument allow to override the class name of ingress resources that this instance of the controller should listen to. Class names that match will be used in the HAProxy configuration. Other classes will be ignored.

The ingress resource must use the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation to name it's ingress class.


Ingress controller will try to connect to the Kubernetes master using environment variables and a service account. This behavior can be changed using --kubeconfig argument that reference a kubeconfig file with master endpoint and credentials. This is a mandatory argument if the controller is deployed outside of the Kubernetes cluster.


Use --rate-limit-update to change how much time to wait between HAProxy reloads. Note that the first update is always immediate, the delay will only prevent two or more updates in the same time frame. Moreover reloads will only occur if the cluster configuration has changed, otherwise no reload will occur despite of the rate limit configuration.

This argument receives the allowed reloads per second. The default value is 0.5 which means no more than one reload will occur within 2 seconds. The lower limit is 0.05 which means one reload within 20 seconds. The highest one is 10 which will allow ingress controller to reload HAProxy up to 10 times per second.


The --reload-strategy command-line argument is used to select which reload strategy HAProxy should use. The following options are available:

  • native: Uses native HAProxy reload option -sf. This is the default option.
  • reusesocket: (starting on v0.6) Uses HAProxy -x command-line option to pass the listening sockets between old and new HAProxy process, allowing hitless reloads.
  • multibinder: (deprecated on v0.6) Uses GitHub's multibinder. This link describes how it works.


Ingress will randomly shuffle backends and server endpoints on each reload in order to avoid requesting always the same backends just after reloads, depending on the balancing algorithm. Use --sort-backends to avoid this behavior and always declare backends and upstream servers in the same order.


Configure --tcp-services-configmap argument with namespace/configmapname resource with TCP services and ports that HAProxy should listen to. Use the HAProxy's port number as the key of the configmap.

The value of the configmap entry has the following syntax: <namespace>/<servicename>:<portnumber>[:[<in-proxy][:<out-proxy]], where:

  • <namespace>/<servicename> is the well known notation of the service that will receive incomming connections.
  • <portnumber> is the port number the upstream service is listening - this is not related to the listening port of HAProxy.
  • <in-proxy> should be defined as PROXY if HAProxy should expect requests using the PROXY protocol. This is usually true only if there is another load balancer in front of HAProxy which supports the PROXY protocol.
  • <out-proxy> should be defined as PROXY if the upstream service expect connections using the PROXY protocol.

In the example below:

  "5432": "default/pgsql:5432"
  "9900": "system-prod/admin:9900:PROXY"
  "9990": "system-prod/admin:9999::PROXY"
  "9999": "system-prod/admin:9999:PROXY:PROXY"

HAProxy will listen 4 new ports:

  • 5432 will proxy to a pgsql service on default namespace.
  • 9900 will proxy to admin service, port 9900, on the system-prod namespace. Clients should connect using the PROXY protocol.
  • 9990 and 9999 will proxy to the same admin service and 9990 port and the upstream service will expect connections using the PROXY protocol. The HAProxy frontend, however, will only expect PROXY protocol on it's port 9999.


Ingress resources has spec/tls[]/secretName attribute to override the default X509 certificate. As a default behavior the certificates are validated against the hostname in order to match the SAN extension or CN (CN only up to v0.4). Invalid certificates, ie certificates which doesn't match the hostname are discarded and a warning is logged into the ingress controller logging.

Use --verify-hostname=false argument to bypass this validation. If used, HAProxy will provide the certificate declared in the secretName ignoring if the certificate is or is not valid.