Geoencoding API


  • Create a virtualenv with Python 3.8.0, and activate venv.
  • Install required libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • docker-compose up for quickly setting up db, Or Setup manually.
  • set GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY as an os environment variable (export GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY=".." for linux/mac)
  • flask run to start.
  • To test API: [Geocoding API postman_collection](/Geocoding API.postman_collection.json)


  • API performance is improved and cost reduced by caching, lat, long and addresses. Redis can be used here, but as we need to persist data, NoSQL MongoDB seems a better solution.
  • handle_output_format decorator is used to handle multiple mime-types, Custom middleware can be used here as an alternative to this decorator.
  • Accept HTTP header advertises which content types the user can understand, so instead of providing output_format it can be used. If it is used we can utilise Flasks api.representation to simply process of converting data to multiple mime-types.