
Sample to demonstrate how paging component works woth room db

Primary LanguageKotlin


Sample to demonstrate how paging component works woth room db


1. The Paging Library helps you load and display small chunks of data at a time. Loading partial data on demand reduces usage of network bandwidth and system resources.

2. This library is majorly use to handle large amount of data with an ease thus saving user battery and bandwidth.

3. It can be used with large, small and even constantly updating data.

4. It is well integrated with RxJava , Coroutines , LiveData and Android UI Component like RecyclerView.

Core Elements of Paging Library includes :-

1. PagedList

It is a collection that loads data in chunks knows as pages asynchronously.

2. DataSource

Data Sources is the base class for loading snapshots of data into a given page list.

Data sources can be backed by the network , Database , File or any other sources