
Reviews of resources for coding.

Credits to Naman Sood and Daniel Stefanovic's Build-your-own-x for the inspiration.

NOTE: All reviews represent the respective contributor's personal view and not my own (unless I'm the one reviewing the resource).

How to contribute

Write your review in a markdown file; upload it as a Github Gist; submit it as an issue. Prospective elements for a review:

  • Overall was it a good resource for the topic or did it leave some gaps in your understanding?
  • Any particular things about the instructor or resource that stood out?
  • Tips on how to approach/use the resource?
  • Any alternative resources?
  • Any resources to go for before or after this? It's your review so add anything else you want to; you don't neccessarily have to follow the above points.

Please keep abusive language to a minimum.

Table of Contents

// Categories

  • AI/ML/DL
  • Tooling
  • Programming Languages

// Need ideas for more categories

Resource Reviews