
Hello and welcome to my project for the ES102 Course. As a project,I have prepared a classic X and O game. You will be playing against the computer here. The goal of the game is to strike a sequence of 3 consecutive characters either row-wise/column-wise or diagonally. Please open the python code file named with an IDE like VSCode or PyCharm to hear all the different audio files that I have added. If you open it with the CommandPrompt, the audio files will not run. In my demonstration video I will show how I have used the playsound library to play the audio. Due to persistent technical issues with GitHub I am unable to sync the project audio files onto GitHub. Please consider how I have made the audio files work in the program by observing my Presentation video and excuse if the audio files do not run when you open the code through GitHub as I have faced terrible technical issues in trying to sync audio files with GitHub. THANK YOU FOR READING!