
Hello World in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter ❤

Let's have a demo


What is Flutter?

  • Flutter is a cross platform MAD framework that makes it easy for the developers to build beautiful apps for all screen sizes and devices.

  • It comes with pre-built widgets that makes it easy to layout the apps.

Why to choose Flutter?

  • One codebase for android, iOS, Web, iot devices, web, etc.
  • simple and flexible layout system
  • Hot reload
  • Open Source
  • by Google
  • for more refer this

Why Dart was selected for Flutter?

  • Smooth transition animations at 60 fps (best for game dev)
  • Automatically does Garbage Collection
  • Compilation and Execution in Dart:
    • uses JIT and AOT compilation
    • JIT used during development (Hot Reload) and AOT (during release build) which compiles Dart code to Native machine code
    • uses JIT compilation and builds the app within a second
  • Easy syntax similar to c++ and java
- Almost all Modern programming languages can do these, what's special about Dart?

+ It's capability to transpile dart code that can target different architectures(runtimes) and hardwares
+ including x86(Desktop/laptops), ARM (Mobile devices) to even JavaScript Engines(Browsers)
  • ARM = Advanced RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing) Machine


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
    const MaterialApp(
      home: Center(
        child: Text("Hello World"),

The App

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