
Role to install Gcloud on Linux Instances

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Role to install Gcloud on Linux Instances

The Issue ?

Gcloud comes with outstanding deb package which could install on the go with yum or apt.

But when we try to update anything

gcloud components update

> Error: (gcloud.components.update) You cannot performe this action
because this cloud SDK installation is managed by an external packages manager. 
Please consider using a separate installation of the 
cloud SDK created through the default mechanism 
described at: https:cloud.google.com/sdk

After, By running this role you can install single components like kubectl, gsutil etc.

Role Variables

# Base URL From SDK Archive will be downloaded.
gcloud_archive_url: "https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads"
# Example: google-cloud-sdk-114.0.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz. If present, the archive will be downloaded.
# See https://cloud.google.com/sdk/ to find the archive name you need.
gcloud_archive_name: "google-cloud-sdk-180.0.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"

# Path where the downloaded archive can be temporarily placed
gcloud_tmp_path: '/tmp/install_gcloud'

# When downloading the archive, always download the archive, even if it already exists in the temp path.
gcloud_force_download: yes

# Path on target node where the unarchived files should land.
gcloud_install_path: "/usr/bin/gcloud"

gcloud_usage_reporting: no        # Enable usage reporting?
gcloud_profile_path: ''           # Path to the user profile login script. Optional.
gcloud_command_completion: yes    # Enable bash style command completion in the login script?
gcloud_update_path: yes           # Update the PATH when when modifying user's login script.
gcloud_override_components: []    # Override the components that would be installed by default, and install these instead.

# Additional components to install by default. Will either be added to the default install
# list, or to the override-components (if provided)
#Example: [kubectl]
gcloud_additional_components: []
gcloud_debug: yes

gcloud_set_as_default: yes
gcloud_config_only: no

Default English US English is set.

Example Playbook

	- Ansible-Role-Gcloud



Author Information

###Rahul Sharma

