React Native Biolerplate

This is React Native boilerplate for kickstart mobile application development.Using that you can save time from creating new project from scratch.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  1. Install React Native Cli

  2. Make sure you have also installed CocoaPods.We need that for pod files for ios.

Intial Setup

  1. Install Node moudels :

    $ npm install
  2. Go to '/ios' folder from your terminal and run :

    $ pod install
  3. From your project root directory run :

    $ react-native run-ios --simulator="<Simulator_name>"

Automatically generate your js files

  1. Genarate Screen

    $ npm run generate screen
    $ What is your screen name? <screen_name>
  2. Genarate component

    $ npm run generate component
    $ What is your component  name? <component_name>
Note : We are using Plop to automatically generate js files.You can customize as per use.