
Project showing users list, using Next.js, Typescript, React Query, Tailwind.css.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app that fetches user data from an API and displays it in a paginated table with the ability to view user details in a modal. Below are the steps for setting up and running the code:


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed. You can download it from nodejs.org.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository

    Clone the repository containing the code to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/RahymCharyyev/usersTable.git
    cd usersTable
  2. Install Dependencies

    Install the project dependencies using yarn.

  3. Environment Variables

    Create an environment variable file (.env.local) in the project root directory and define the NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL variable. This variable should point to the base URL of the API you are using to fetch user data. For example:

    NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL= https://reqres.in
  4. Start the Development Server

    Start the development server to run the React application.

    yarn dev

    This will start the application on http://localhost:3000.

  5. Access the Application

    Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the application.

  6. Deployed Version You can find a deployed version of this project on Vercel. It's accessible at the following URL: https://users-table-ten.vercel.app/

    Deployed Version on Vercel.

High-Level Descriptions

  1. Project Structure

    The codebase is structured into components and modules. Key components and modules include:

    • Pagination: A reusable pagination component for navigating between pages of user data.
    • UserList: The main component responsible for fetching user data, displaying it in a table, and handling pagination.
    • TableHead and TableBody: Components for rendering the table headers and table rows, respectively.
    • UserInfo and UserModal: Components for displaying user details and a user details modal.
    • fetchUsers: A function for making API requests to fetch user data.
  2. Routing and Pagination

    The code uses the Next.js useRouter hook from Pages Router for routing and handles pagination by modifying the URL query parameter page.

  3. API Integration

    The fetchUsers function uses Axios to make GET requests to an API endpoint for fetching user data. The API base URL is defined as an environment variable.

  4. Component Styling

    The code uses CSS classes and styles for component styling, and it also uses tailwind.css for responsive design and utility classes.

  5. Error Handling

    The code handles API request errors and displays appropriate error messages when data cannot be fetched.

  6. Modal for User Details

    User details can be viewed by clicking on a user row in the table, which opens a modal with detailed user information.

  7. Pagination Logic

    Pagination logic calculates the total number of pages based on the number of users fetched from the API. It ensures that users can navigate through the pages of user data.