RMLM: A Flexible Defense Framework for Proactively Mitigating Word-level Adversarial Attacks, ACL 2023.

Primary LanguagePython


Code for paper "RMLM: A Flexible Defense Framework for Proactively Mitigating Word-level Adversarial Attacks" accepted by ACL 2023. This repo contains training, inference and attack-defense evaluation.



The basic required packages are as follows. It's highly suggested to install the specific missed packages only when you find running codes failed.

  1. Python 3.8
  2. Pytorch 1.9.0 + cuda 11.1
  3. Tensorflow 2.7.0
  4. huggingface/transformers 4.13.0 (you may also need pre-trained BERT-base-uncased weights)
  5. nltk 3.6.5
  6. gpustat

Pre-processed Data

Please decompress dataset.tar.gz and glove.tar.gz in the release page to dataset/ and glove/, respectively.


Fine-tuning BERTD

This fine-tuning stage is correlated to Sec. 3.4.1 of the paper. BERTD is short for BERT defender.

python mlm.py --dataset imdb --epoch 100 --batch 32 --device 0 --rmlm yes

All experimental results (e.g., checkpoints) will be saved to checkpoint/.

Fill config.py/config_victim_imdb/load_path/lm_bert_rmlm with the path of trained checkpoint directory.

Victim Model

For example, we train a BERT-base-uncased as the victim model.

python train.py --device 0 --epoch 10 --batch 64 --warmup 600 --optim adamw \
--save_type victims --dataset imdb --model bert --using_bert_vocab yes \
--eval_path valid --metric_name valid_acc

Fill config.py/config_victim_imdb/load_path/bert with the path of trained victim model xxx.pt.

Joint Training

The details of this stage are in Sec. 3.4.2.

python train.py --device 0,1,2,3 --epoch 20 --batch 16 --warmup 600 --optim adamw \
--save_type defense --dataset imdb --model bert --using_bert_vocab yes \
--eval_path valid --metric_name valid_acc --using_rmlm yes \
--rmlm_mode gumbel --rmlm_update last --rmlm_maskop rmlm \
--rmlm_mask_rate 0.25 --rmlm_max_syn 32

Fill config.py/config_rmlm_best_loads/imdb/bert with the path of trained checkpoint xxx.pt.

Prior Threshold

Please refer to Sec. 3.5. We need to calculate this threshold before the evaluation.

python entropy.py --dataset imdb --victim bert --device 0

Then, fill config.py/config_rmlm_best_loads/imdb/bert/threshold with the calculated value.

Attack Evaluation

Note that you may need to install some missing packages like NLTK for thunlp/OpenAttack first. If you failed to download some metadata when running the codes, please manually download nltk.wordnet.tar.gz in the release page, and decompress it to data/.

Start the attack-defense evaluation, bert victim model with our method rmlm defends against pwws attacker on the imdb dataset.

python attack.py --dataset imdb --victim bert --attack pwws --device 0 \
--using_bert_vocab yes --eval_path attack --using_rmlm yes 

The evaluation results including all reported metrics will be saved in checkpoint/imdb/attack/bert_rmlm.pwws.$time.json.


Please cite our paper if you find the codes useful:

    title = "{RMLM}: A Flexible Defense Framework for Proactively Mitigating Word-level Adversarial Attacks",
    author = "Wang, Zhaoyang  and
      Liu, Zhiyue  and
      Zheng, Xiaopeng  and
      Su, Qinliang  and
      Wang, Jiahai",
    editor = "Rogers, Anna  and
      Boyd-Graber, Jordan  and
      Okazaki, Naoaki",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.155",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.155",
    pages = "2757--2774",