
A tiny x86 OS with Bootloader, Interrupt, Segmentation, Multitask based on timer and a simple shell.

Primary LanguageC


This project is based on OSASK. A tiny x86 OS with Bootloader, Interrupt, Segmentation, Multitask based on timer and a simple shell.


The toolset contains almost every tool chains, but QEMU you shall download.


GNU make is needed.

  1. compile from scratch make
  2. run OS make run

Shell Commands

  1. ls display files that linked at compile time.
  2. free display the amount of total and used memory in the system.
  3. clear clear the terminal screen.
  4. cat [FILE] display the contents of the FILE.
  5. hlt sleep and do not wakeup forever.
  6. run [PRIORITY] start a "counting" job(process), the higher the PRIORITY, the higher the job's priority indicating alocating more cpu time.
  7. kill [PID] kill the specified job(process).

And "TAB" key could help you switch the window. Press the left mouse button could move the window that focused.

Reference and Thanks

  1. OSASK
  2. yourtion/30dayMakeOS


Commercial use is strictly prohibited.