This is a repo that contains a basic configuration for nginx as a load balancer and docker swarm as a docker orchastration

1. build the images :

The app:

    docker build -t node-app .

The nginx server

cd nginx && docker build -t nginx-loadbalancing  .

Now init the swarm orchastration

docker swarm init

By running this u'll create a manager node. For this project we will be usig only one host. Later on we can set multiple host service communication

Finnaly we can start the orchastration in our master host

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml swarm-app
  1. This will create 2 services (a proxy service and node-app service .each service has a replics ,exposed ports and the image theu depend on).

  2. Now that evrtyhing works oopen multiple browser tabs with the follwing url u can see each time there is a new host)

Scalling :

docker service scale servicename=replicas
# exapmple:
docker service scale swarm-app_nodeapp=50

Visualization :

docker container run -p 8080:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -d dockersamples/visualizer

&& check localhost:8080 Alt text